Fitness Now!

My first ever VR development experience and project at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

The requirement of this course was to create a VR serious game genre for a client. Our client’s case was to create a VR gym coaching simulator prototype for remote gym exercises.


Unity Engine, Unity XR, C#, Hack’n’Plan, Unity Collaboration


Product Owner, Lead Developer

Team Size:

5 members


Product Owner & Lead Developer

  • Tasks planning & distribution

  • Frequent progress updates for clients

  • Oversight of: 3D models, Development, UI art

  • Collab Source Control

  • Team Management

  • Design


  • Unity VR setup: Camera, Inputs, Movement, Laser Pointers for UI Interaction

  • UI game layout and functionality

  • In-game web camera viewport and game cameras viewports

  • Gamified Music exercise

  • Coach Animations & triggers


The aim of “Fitness Now!“ is to let the player experience sports training in Virtual Reality. By having the ability to see the coach from any angle, letting the user have an in-depth demonstration of body posture and how to properly do an exercise. Additionally having special gamified exercise challenges that the user can choose to do.

My Responsobilities

Explanation of Functions

Unfortunately, the VR headset was borrowed from the University, only during the project course. Therefore a detailed demonstration will be shown without it.

Everything was made by me, except for the 3D Models, UI Art and Level Design

Development Conclusion

The project had plenty of challenges from the start. I was required to be a sole developer for the team, due to team members leaving the course. However I came up with a suitable plan and development timeline for our scale of workforce and still lead the rest of the team to a successful pass of the course. The teachers and client were happy about the prototype of the application that he requested from our team.