Rybik’s Cube

This was my favourite project so far at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.

The requirement of this course was to create a game in 2.5 months. However without using any traditional way of input, for example Mouse, Keyboard, Controller, Drawing Tablet or Touch Screen.


Unity Engine, Unity WebGL, C#, HTML, JavaScript, Giiker Rubik’s Cube


Everything Except UI Art

Team Size:

2 members


Game Designer

  • Main Game Idea

  • Device of input idea

  • Explaining art requirements

  • Cube Connection WebGL research


  • Connecting the Cube to a WebGL app

  • Sending the WebGL app JavaScript trigger info to Unity WebGL game build

  • Whole rhythm game development


A playful educational concept that teaches the players the important essential parts of a puzzle, which would help them later on with actual attempt on solving the puzzle. In my puzzle case, it is a Rubik’s cube, where the player would be taught an essential part of the Rubik’s cube solving, the algorithm language.

Combining WebGL with Unity Game

Specific Rubik’s cube turn information that the WebGL collects and send to the Unity WebGL build game
